- Except for instances where I need to reschedule, I do not provide make-ups. Additional time is given throughout the semester for masterclasses, audition advice, competitions/festivals and music purchase. This then will be considered as reimbursement for occasional missed lessons. For the convenience of those who have emergencies, trips, or schedule conflicts of any kind, I provide a vocal studio swap list. Should you have a schedule conflict, you may arrange your own swap. If a student cannot attend the lesson and cannot arrange a swap, the lesson is forfeited.
- You are responsible to pay for all lessons while your child is enrolled in my studio. I use Music Business Solutions (www.mubus.com) for billing, which offers you the convenience of autopay (one less check to write, one less thing to remember). You will receive a separate email with instructions on how to register. When you receive that email, the registration process should take no more than two minutes of your time, for which I thank you in advance.
- One month’s notice in advance is required for termination of lessons.